FOREARM Dynasplint Systems, Inc. developed the Forearm Supination and Pronation System to restore the range of motion needed to accomplish these and many other daily activities. The Forearm Supination and Pronation System applies a low-load, prolonged-duration stretch (LLPS) directly across the joint axis. It is fully adjustable to accommodate various forearm lengths, easily applied and conveniently labeled. The single system provides both supination and pronation stretches. LLPS has been used successfully for more than 50 years to treat joint stiffness and limited range of motion caused by shortened connective tissue. The spring-loaded Dynasplint® Systems constantly seek the patient’s available end range of motion and continue to gently stretch the joint. Dynasplint® Systems’ technology applies LLPS to permanently lengthen soft tissue using the principle of TERT (Total End Range Time). Dynasplint® Systems can be used as an adjunct to occupational and physical therapy. Early application can dramatically reduce time and cost associated with range of motion rehabilitation—in many cases by more than 50 percent. FEATURES AND BENEFITS
RANGE OF MOTION Forearm Neurological:
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